Achievement Guide

Mass Effect 2 – The “No one Left Behind” Achievement

Whenever this is the topic, I find many people asking how they can keep their whole team alive through the end of the game. Well I have played the first game and the second game both at its hardest difficulty levels and I beat it. I am not bragging, because everyone can do it, it is nothing that hard. I beat the ME2 a 100% and its really simple actually. I am willing to help out anyone who wants to do the same.

First things first, finish upgrading everything and EVERYTHING AVAILABLE for each member. Complete everyone’s Loyalty Missions BEFORE you start going further in the main missions.

The main thing to keep your whole team alive is to keep every member happy with you, basically loyal to you. For example, when Miranda and Subject Zero/Jack started fighting, I took Jack’s side. After that Miranda wouldn’t talk to me anymore. I play with a Femshep, and I prefer Paragon over Renegade, and my Paragon points weren’t enough to calm Miranda down, not that I really wanted to because I didn’t like her because I felt she stepped into my job a little too much. But I wanted the “No one Left Behind” Achievement, so I increased my Paragon points and got her to talk to me again. I would advice those who have similar Paragon and Renegade points, DO NOT PICK ANY SIDES in these kinds of situations, choose the neutral decision even if you do not want to. There won’t be enough gameplay time left to increase your Paragon or Renegade points to convince the members anymore.

The final advice would be to choose wisely when choosing each member to do a specific job at the end of the game. I will not spoil it for you by telling you who I chose, but you have played the game well by now and you do know the specialties of each member. Choose them according to that, not according to your likes or dislikes. Although I did choose Garrus as the leader for my other team, partly because I liked him and I didn’t like Miranda, but hey, he was the best trained for the job, too. Oops, one hint wouldn’t hurt!

I hope this helped you out a lot! Any questions, just post them, I’d be happy to answer them!  

The “Power Gamer” Achievement

This one is for those who are playing the game at its hardest difficulty level- Insanity. I am sure it is not only me, but others have come across this problem too. In Insanity, it is tough to reach Level 30. This is because, you gain very little XP per missions. So it gets hard to gain enough XP to reach level 30. I think I started to slow down at Level 27 or 28. I thought I would not be able get the achievement.

Well I still did! Heehee! :D How did I do it? Well it’s a tough one. I did ALL the N7 missions- that’s right- ALL! And I completed all the DLCs, except for the latest one, Arrival.

Here, you really need the upgrade for the probes you use to explore the different planets. Every time I entered a galaxy, my target was to explore it a 100 %. Now that was the key, and it is easier if you have the upgrade. I literally explored EVERY galaxy 100%. I found many N7 missions, it was tedious finding them- yes. But some of the N7 missions were so cool! I enjoyed playing all of them! Just do a little hard work, the reward is great. And hey- who wouldn’t want more gameplay of Mass Effect 2, even if they are side missions???


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